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Review of Cthulhu HASTUR 88TC Mod

This review will cover a very interesting and equally paradoxically ambiguous mod from Cthulhu called HASTUR 88TC.

Contrary to popular belief, this is far from the first battery pack from Cthulhumod (although it is written so even on the packaging), they have previously released at least the Tube Mod with eGo functionality, and even earlier the Fractal Hybrid Mod on the DNA75C board was spotted.

The mod is sold in a tin box without any special decorations; there is only the HASTUR inscription on the top cover and three stickers: a circle indicating the color, a barcode with another color indication and a larger patch with a lengthy description of the device and an authenticity verification code on the back.

What’s in the box

The delivery set is minimal: a mod in a bag, a USB-Type C cable for charging or reflashing, a packet of silica gel (not suitable for food) and instructions in several languages, including Russian (which would be better not to be here).

HASTUR 88TC Mod. Design

The design of the mod is quite interesting: as if they took a steel bellows and stuck a piece of a box mod with a screen on the side. vape devices in canada Although, why “as if”? In fact, that’s how it is! Perhaps with an adjustment not for handicraft production, but for factory execution and the implementation of the solution conceived by the engineers. The HASTUR 88TC Mod as a whole looks quite stylish, with references to the premium segment (or this is how knowledge of the price manifests itself), and the execution of the central panel, screws and buttons brings to mind Hi-Fi audio equipment. Half of the mod (pipe) will always be in the form of polished stainless steel and with careful handling will remain for a long time without scratches and abrasions. The second half is made of anodized aluminum, the surface is matte, it collects fingerprints, but not much.

On top there is a connector very similar to a hybrid, although in fact there is a spring-loaded brass pin. The maximum landing diameter for evaporators is 24 millimeters, but 22 atomizers will also sit aesthetically, the rounded chamfer helps to hide the step. The screws that fix the body are barely visible from under the screwed tank or dripper, but they are not striking and do not distract attention.

Cthulhumod HASTUR 88W TC Mod – battery compartment cover

On the bottom side you can see a laconic inscription with a serial number, an indication of the company and country of manufacture. There is also a brass and gold-plated battery compartment cover with two holes for emergency gas removal.

When I first saw it, I was afraid that such a fixation system would inevitably deform and press the battery contacts, but it turned out that the thread in the case has a limiting step and the cover can be screwed in all the way without fear. At the same time, the thin walls of the battery will not be damaged at all, and reliable contact will be provided by a spring-loaded positive pin. On the inside of the cover there are signs prohibiting disposal with household waste, permission to sell in EU countries and “-“, indicating how to properly install the battery.

The inner surface of the battery compartment is steel and has no insulation except for a small ring around the positive contact. Carefully monitor the condition of the insulation on your 18650.

The Type-C format for charging is increasingly common in mods, which is good news, but its “half-hearted” use is disappointing. The charging current is limited to 1 Amp and, apart from the convenience of connecting the cord, you do not get any of the benefits of the new standard.

HASTUR 88TC Mod. Personal impressions

What I liked


Simple controls and menu

Suitable for 22 or 24 mm diameter evaporators

Works from 0.05 Ohm


Cthulhumod HASTUR 88W TC Mod – appearance with various evaporators

What is simply good

Thermal control


Protection against reverse polarity, overheating, overcharging, overdischarging, short circuit, overload

Possibility of reflashing and initial customization

What is controversial

Color screen

Decent weight

Cthulhumod HASTUR 88W TC Mod – appearance with various evaporators

What could be better

Raw firmware (no lock, constantly lit screen, no brightness adjustment, uninformative charge indicator, etc.)

Only for 18650 batteries

Ambiguous and loud button “Fire”

Too “gaffe-worthy” interface


Cthulhumod HASTUR 88W TC Mod – comparison of sizes with other battery packs

If you do not pay attention to the problems of the current firmware, the mod is simply gorgeous, simple, convenient and aesthetically pleasing. Almost all evaporators with a diameter of both 22 and 24 millimeters look great on it, with the exception, perhaps, of rainbow ones. You get used to a decent weight pretty quickly, as well as to the noticeably larger dimensions than “stealth mods”. For full and convenient operation, in fact, the only thing missing is the ability to force the screen to turn off, everything else is not so important and there is hope that this point will be taken into account in the future firmware. I deliberately do not raise the issue of a high price, you have to pay for style and exclusivity (the same legendary SMPL in the original version cost even more), and if you do not agree with me – just wait for these mods to appear on the secondary market, it will be cheaper. Probably.