Review of Dovpo Odin 200. For the glory of Wotan
Today’s review is dedicated to the Odin 200 box mod, created by the joint efforts of YouTuber Vaping Bogan and two manufacturers at once: Dovpo and Vaperz Cloud.
Although Dovpo, like other manufacturers, has a wide variety of devices in its range, it remains one of the few companies that have not switched almost entirely to the production of various pods, pod mods and starter kits, but continues to release normal devices with enviable regularity. In the last six months, the range of the Chinese manufacturer has been replenished with various boxes and tanks, many of which we have already examined in detail on the pages of our website. One of the latest devices released by the company last year was the dual-battery battery unit Odin DNA 250C on an American board from Evolv, created together with another manufacturer Vaperz Cloud, primarily known to domestic vapers for the mechanical mods VCM and X1 and several atomizers. The subject of our review today is a “light” version of the same box, however, in some respects it turned out to be not only no worse in some parameters (here are the same maximum 200 watts and high charging current), but in some ways even better than the mod.
Packaging and equipment of Dovpo Odin 200
The Odin 200 box mod came into my hands in a massive black box with a drain made of thick dark blue cardboard. On the front side of the cover, in addition to the name of the device and a white sticker indicating the color (RED), at the very top there is a mysterious formula VC x VB x DP, which is deciphered very simply: Vaperz Clous x Vaping Bogan x Dovpo, i.e. the co-authors of the device are listed. canadian vape shop toronto On the side walls you can see the logos of the “accomplices”, on the back side the main enticing advantages of the device are described, the set of contents is listed, the details and address of the manufacturer are indicated (Dovpo Shenzhen Technology Co. LTD are responsible for all three, of course, the mod is entirely assembled by hardworking Chinese), and there is also a sticker with an originality check.
Dovpo Odin 200 Package
Odin 200 Box Mod
18650 Battery Adapter
User Manual
Warranty Card
Card with Warning about Used Batteries
Heat Shrink for 21700 Batteries (6 Pairs)
USB Type-C Cable
Inside the black box, in addition to the mod itself, the charging cable, and the usual waste paper in the form of a manual (only in English) and various warnings, there was a small but pleasant surprise.
A small transparent bag contains heat shrink for 21700 batteries: a pair of red, white, blue, gray, and black, as well as two transparent ones. Six months or a year ago, I tried to find something similar to my old 20700 and 21700 both on the shelves of domestic vape shops and in Chinese stores, and I was in for a real bummer. Today there are no problems with this, the choice has become huge, you can choose anything, but the manufacturer’s concern “out of the box” for your safety and the harmony of the entire setup is incredibly pleasing.
Impressions and conclusions
By releasing the device together with the Vaperz Cloud and on the DNA 250C board, the Chinese from Dovpo, of course, sought to join the ranks of the leading (read: expensive) vape manufacturers. In my opinion, the experiment was quite successful, considering that there are not so many people willing to shell out $180 for an adjustable box mod (I’m not taking into account fans of mechanics, they have their own audience with other quirks, an electronic mod will be of little interest to them). And the entire design of the Odin is definitely “mow” under the fur: metal, gloss or brushed surface, brutal shapes and huge cutouts. And the Odin 200, which followed a little later in the same 2019, is clearly aimed at those who don’t need the Evolv board with its bells and whistles and settings, but simply need a powerful box ready to digest huge tanks and drippers. And in this regard, despite the far from humane price tag (official Chinese and American stores still ask for an impressive $99.99 for a shiny box), the device is much more affordable and in many ways more attractive.
I have no serious complaints about either the operation or the design of the Odin 200, although several nuances (not critical, but still) are worth mentioning. The first concerns the missing marking of the batteries in the battery pack. Since you are making separate icons for the batteries, and even signing them, then somehow indicating which one is which inside the mod would also not hurt. The second concerns the number of screws on all surfaces, I counted as many as nine of them here (and five more under the cover), and in my opinion, this number could have been reduced. Or even played up in the spirit of the overall brutal appearance, like some. The third nitpick concerns the lacquered case, which will definitely lose its gloss over time, become covered with scratches and will not look as cool as out of the box. Therefore, it is better to take a closer look at other options. I cannot attribute the huge size and weight to either pros or cons, this is a feature of the device, which operates on two rather large 21700 batteries and is sharpened for the use of 30 mm atomizers, “regular” drippers and 24-25 mm tanks on the Odin 200 do not look so organic and even somehow orphaned. The advantages of the device, in addition to everything else (braiding for 21700!) include high power and good current output of 40A, although, frankly speaking, it will not always be able to replace a mechanical mod. First of all, this becomes noticeable when burning coils, the board quickly reaches a temperature of 75 ° C (according to the performance characteristics from the manual) and begins to swear – TOO HOT. With normal use of the dripper, it is more difficult to achieve such heating, so you can use the mod for several minutes, until either the board overheats, or you get an overdose of nicotine. I really liked the instant response of the Fire button (without statements about 0.0 … 03 s) and the fact that the board does not try to pass off “wishful thinking as reality”, i.e. if you set 200 watts with a winding of, say, 0.08 Ohm, then the current output limit is reached much earlier, somewhere around 130 watts, which the box mod reports when you press Fire. But the fact that the electronics are capable of raising the resistance below the declared 0.08 Ohm is no longer news for Dovpo products. I had no problems starting and working a dripper with 0.05 Ohm coils. Probably the biggest drawback of this mod is its high cost, and during the market dominance of salt liquids and miniature pods, such a device risks simply getting lost. But have you seen the prices of some pods?! And if you are looking for a powerful box mod for two 21700 batteries with a landing of up to 30 mm, then the choice is limited to just a couple of devices, among which the Odin 200 looks very attractive. Moreover, not only the Chinese Dovpo, but also the Americans Vaperz Cloud and the famous YouTuber Vaping Bogan had a hand in the development.